Tips for Balancing Work and Summer Fun

Summer Business tips

Summer brings a different rhythm to my family’s schedules, routines and activities. And with that, I get to shift things in my business to work with my summer season. I can proactively start putting into place business systems and routines that will allow me to say yes to business AND family summer fun!

Recently Dara Simons and I chatted about how to get your business ready now in the spring so that you can check off those summer bucket items, guilt-free.

The Pull: Business or Family

“I’ve totally had the summers where I’ve felt like I worked nonstop. I missed summer because my business took over our lives. That’s something that I really committed the last few years to not doing, because my kids are only young once and summer only happens once a year and it’s just not worth it.”

“And I’ve had the opposite where I put my business on the back-burner and enjoyed all the summer fun, but then when I got back to getting momentum in my business, it was so hard.”

Summer and Family Business Priorities

Which of the two comments above do you most relate to? Can you really run your business well and get your summer bucket list checked off?

How to maintain work-life balance in the summer

  • Recognize that summer is a new season! You have permission to change routines, systems and priorities for your business and your family. What worked in the last season might not be the best option in this season.
  • Know what your summer business and summer family priorities are, then get them on your calendar. Create routines and systems that allow these priorities to get into your day, week, and month.
  • Ditch the mom-guilt. Most likely it is our business that allows us the freedom to say yes to the summer fun! Mom-guilt serves no one.
  • Have accountability. Dara says “Having people that know you that know how you are wired and what you need for your both your life and your business, has really helped me make sure that it stays balanced on both sides throughout a season.”

Spring into Summer Virtual Business Retreat

Spring into Summer Virtual Business Retreat for Women in Business

April 20-21, 2023 – join us for a hands-on virtual retreat!

Through workshops taught by experienced moms in business, you’ll learn:

* what you need to do to achieve real work-family balance this summer
* how to work while your kids are home without stressing everyone out
* what to focus on in your business this summer to keep moving the needle without working all of the time
* what systems you need to have in place in order to work as little as possible without dropping the ball
* what work you can do upfront this spring so you can enjoy your summer, without having to work overtime now

Don’t spend your summer stuck behind your computer, missing out on this special time with your family! Join us for this two-day virtual retreat.

What ‘s on your summer bucket list this year? And what will it feel like after you’ve accomplished it?

Let’s get those summer business systems and routines in place now in order to say “YES!” to summer fun.

Looking for a kingdom-minded business community? Join the Grace Based Business Community!

Picture of Mo Spell

Mo Spell

I’m here to help you relinquish the need for perfection, overcome challenges, and live your life with intent and purpose. Moms and mompreneurs, thriving in your home and your business at the same time is possible!

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