What Message is Burning Inside of You?
My hands were shaking, there was a pit in my stomach and I had stalled at least 10 times before pressing “LIVE” for my first FB live video. I actually can’t even remember what I shared but I remember how I felt that day. And for some reason that same overwhelming feeling would wash over me every time I would think about sharing again on social media.
“What if what I have to say doesn’t make sense?”
“What if no one cares?”
“What if someone disagrees and argues with me?”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t have time to share right now.”
“I’m not in the right head-space to share.”
“It’s been a long day and now I’m too tired to share.”
All those thoughts and many more would pop up whenever I thought about sharing my message.

I thought that if people see me, I might have some push-back. So I was functioning out of fear of what “might” happen.
But if I fully believed that my business is what God had called me to in this season, then aren’t I responsible for showing up?
Ouch. I knew the truth about why I was avoiding sharing. So now I had a choice to make. Do I follow my feelings or do I operate from the belief that people need to know my message?
We have a responsibility for visibility. We are responsible for the assignment God gave us, not the results.
Visibility is an invitation for people to listen to our message. They can choose if they want to or not and that’s ok! But we need to extend the invitation.
Action Step:
- What am I making “being visible” mean? Do a brain dump of every thought that pops up when you think of being visibility.
- Run those thoughts through the Mind Map (see the Mompreneur Mindset below)
- Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this 100% true?
- What could be possible?
- If fear was not an issue, how would I be visible?
Share in the Grace Based Business FB Group!
Mindset is everything, but the foundation of our mindset matters most. I believe that renewing our mind (our thoughts and beliefs) based on God’s word is the key!
There are 6 core belief areas that mompreneurs must master in order to boldly build their business so that it impacts their family, their clients and their community:
- Mompreneurs Take Ownership
- Mompreneurs Know Their Value(s)
- Mompreneurs Identify Their Obstacles
- Mompreneurs Make Decisions
- Mompreneurs Take Action
- Mompreneurs Grow
Don’t go another year operating your business under a blanket of mom-guilt and stress. There’s a better way!
Find this foundation of a life-giving way to build your business in The Mompreneur Mindset Lab.