Hello Amazing Mom!

Moms and mompreneurs, thriving in your home and your business at the same time is possible! I’m Maureen Spell, and I’m here to help you relinquish the need for perfection, overcome challenges, and live your life with intent and purpose.

Are you ready to flourish in both family and business?
I can help.

Maureen Spell

It's Time to Start Living Again

After years of just surviving with overwhelming stress, I reached a point where I knew I couldn’t continue living like that! I was done feeling burned out. I wanted to live with joy, purpose, and intention. I didn’t want to survive anymore, I wanted to thrive–both at home and in business!

I just needed a reset.

Perhaps you’re in a similar situation.

I get it. It’s easy to feel…
Overwhelmed by all our to-do’s
Guilty for balancing family and business (or ministry)
Paralyzed, not knowing what steps to take to move forward

Activating that reset button in your life can be a challenge. That’s where I can help, by listening, coaching, and working with moms to figure out their custom reset plan.

WOW!!! One session with Maureen and I could feel a shift. Just by asking me a few questions and leading me through a simple exercise, walls came down and I saw things in a brand new light. It was just the boost I was needing to get me laser focused and pressing forward.

Lisa S.

The Planning House Events