Unholy Hustle
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Hustle: to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business; to proceed or work rapidly or energetically
I have walked through the hustle and grind cycle and burned out! I wasn't able to show up well for my family, my business or myself because I was so overwhelmed and running on fumes.
I was willing to never run a business again if that was the price.
But God showed me His heart for entrepreneurs--- especially mompreneurs. There is a life-giving way to run a business and show up for my family!
Mostly likely you've come to this page after hearing my burn-out story. (If not, you can listen here)
I've created a short devotional that I like to go through at least 1x a quarter to help me refocus and prioritize where I'm at with my business. I hope this tool helps you as it has helped me.